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5 Things To Think About When Planning For Your Yoga Retreat

Obviously traveling domestically or internationally right now is not recommended due to the global pandemic. I don't encourage you to head out on your yoga retreat tomorrow, but I do want you to plan and daydream about your next fun trip. Who doesn't like to daydream? Personally, planning and dreaming about luxurious trips in the future can sometimes be a bright spot in my day. After all, dreaming is the first step of making something a reality.

I'd like to give you some tidbits to think about while planning for your retreat, however far in the future it may be. So let's start here:

1) Travel Medical Insurance and Trip Cancellation Insurance/Travel Insurance

This is the most underrated thing you need while traveling outside of the U.S. I'm saying it louder for the people in the back. Most insurances do not cover you while you are outside your home country. Travel medical insurance will cover you for unforeseen accidents and illness while outside your home country. This is SO important you guys. If you get sick, or hurt, your medical expenses will most likely not be covered if you don't by travel medical insurance. Trip Cancellation or Travel Insurance is also important since it will reimburse your for your upfront trip costs like plane tickets and hotel reservations. Both are extremely important. Sometimes insurance companies will combine the two into one policy, although that can be pretty pricey. You can read up on the differences between travel medical insurance and trip cancellation here.

2) Have a basic understanding of the culture and language

You don't have to be fluent in Spanish or Portuguese. That isn't what I'm talking about. There are some awesome translator apps you can use now, which are fantastic. I'm talking about awareness. The culture may not be as accepting as getting sweaty in a sports bra and tight leggings. And that should be okay. Some people are deeply embedded in their culture that is thousands of years old, and approaching the world with the intention of respecting that can go a long way, and maybe even open some doors for you. Take some time to do research about what is generally acceptable to wear as to not be openly disrespectful to the culture you are a guest to. We Americans have a deep sense of entitlement and privilege. And we are lucky to be able to roam our country in the way that our individual spirit guides us, but that isn't the case in all places.

3) What are you going to wear?

This kind of goes along with point number 2. If you are looking to travel to a place with a completely different culture, you've done your research, and the clothes you own just aren't going to cut it. What do you need to bring in order to be prepared? Do you need to bring a back up plan? If you need to do a little shopping, I recommend shopping at ThredUp, or another local consignment shop for whatever you need. The clothing industry is in shambles right now, with a surplus of clothes that continues to pile up. Try not to be a part of that problem if you can help it.

4) Allergies

Do you have food or seasonal allergies? Be aware that the climate you are traveling to may be different, and seasonal allergies may cause additional distress. Also, be prepared if you have any food allergies. If there is cuisine in the place you are traveling that may unsettle your stomach, make sure you are prepared with any additional dietary supplements or medications to keep you health at it's best. Prepare yourself and understand the location, climate, and cuisine so you can be prepared with medications necessary to keep you healthy and out of the restroom or doctor's office.

5) Read the fine print

You are pumped about this beautiful beach castle, and there seams to be an all-inclusive yoga retreat there. Boom Baby! But is is REALLY all inclusive? Yo, read the fine print. Every word. You don't want to be blindsided by additional fees you weren't prepared for. Traveling for something like this takes a budget, and if you blow through that budget, is it really worth-it? Be sure you come prepared with the cash on hand and maybe a little extra spending money just in case. Also have a good understanding of the schedule you'll be following. How much down time is there? Are there additional sessions you can attend with an additional cost? If this is the case and you can't afford it, be sure to come prepared with your own yoga video downloads on your smart phone so you can practice anywhere, anytime, on that beautiful precipice.

These are some things for you to think about when planning your future yoga retreat. Stay safe and sane ya'll. Happy day dreaming.

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